Please note that our China warehouse will be closed from January 18 to February 10 for Chinese New Year. Thank you.

Terms & Conditions

For the avoidance of doubt, the Shipper acknowledges that is a marketing agent of UMAC Forwarders Express Inc. (“UMAC” or the “Company”) and all its acts are for and in behalf of UMAC. This contract of carriage of goods is exclusively between UMAC and the Shipper.

By tendering goods and personal effects for shipment from United Kingdom, United States and Canada via UMAC Forwarders, Express (“Company”), the shipper agrees to the terms and conditions stated herein. No agent or employees of the “Company” or the shipper may alter these terms and conditions.

  2. The Company invoice is nonnegotiable and the Shipper acknowledges that it has been prepared by the shipper or by the company on behalf of the Shipper. The shipper warrants that it is the owner of the goods transported hereunder, or it is the authorized agent of the owner of the goods, and that it hereby accepts the “Company” terms and conditions for itself and as a agent for and behalf of any other person having interest in the shipment.

  4. The shippers warrants that each article in the shipment is properly described on this invoice and has not been declared by the company to be unacceptable for the transport and that the shipment is properly marked and addressed and packed to ensure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling. The Shipper hereby acknowledges that the company may abandon and/or release any item consigned by the Shipper to the “Company” which the “Company” has declared unacceptable or which the Shipper has undervalued for Customs’ purposes or misdescribed hereon, whether intentionally or otherwise, without incurring any liability whatsoever to the Shipper and the Shipper will save and defend, indemnify and the hold the “Company” harmless for all claims, damages, fines and expenses arising therefrom. The Shipper shall be liable for all the costs and expenses related to the shipment for all costs incurred in either returning the shipment to the Shipper or warehousing the shipment pending disposition.

  6. The “Company” has the right, but not the obligation to inspect any shipment including, without limitation, opening the shipment

  8. The “Company” shall have a lien on any goods shipped for all freight charges, custom duties, advances or other charges of any kind arising out of the transportation hereunder and may refuse to surrender possession of the goods until such charges are paid.

  10. The liability of the “Company” for any loss or damage to the shipment (which term shall include all goods and effects consigned to the “Company” under this invoice) is limited to the lesser of:

    Canada Coverage
    Baby CDN 150
    UK Coverage
    Bulilit $50.00
    Medium $100.00
    Large $150.00
    Jumbo $200.00
    Mega $200.00

  12. The “Company” shall not be liable, in any event, for any consequential or special damages or other indirect loss, however arising whether or not the “Company” had knowledge that such damages might be incurred, including, but not limited to, loss of income, profits, interest, utility or loss of market.

  14. While the “Company” will endeavor to exercise its best efforts to provide expeditious delivery in accordance with regular delivery schedules, the “Company” WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMTANCES BE LIABLE FOR DELAY IN PICKUP, TRANSPORTATION OR DELIVERY OF ANY SHIPMENT. REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DELAY. Further, the “Company” shall not be liable for any loss or damaged, misdelivery or nondelivery.

    1. Due to the act of God, force majeure occurrence or any cause reasonably beyond the control of the “Company”, or

    2. Caused by;

      1. The act, default or omission of the Shipper, the consignee or any other party claims as interest in the shipment (including violation of any term or condition hereof), or of any person other than the “Company” or of any Customs or other Government officials, or of any Postal Services, forwarder or other entity or person to whom a shipment is tendered by the “Company” for transportation to any location not regularly served by the “Company” regardless of whether the Shipper requested or had no knowledge of such third-party delivery arrangement;

      2. The nature of shipment or any defect, characteristic, or inherent vice thereof;

      3. Electrical or magnetic injury, erasure, or other such damage to electronic or photographic images or recordings in any form

    3. Value goods and personal effects not declared in invoice.

  15. CLAIMS
    1. Any claims must brought by the Shipper and delivered in writing to the office of the “Company” nearest the location at which the shipment was accepted within 30 days upon date of delivery to destination. No claim may be made against “Company” outside of that time limit.

    2. No claims for loss or damage will be entertained until all transportation charges have been paid. The amount of any such claim may not be deducted from any transportation charges owned to the “Company”.

    3. When all claims are paid, the “Company” will not reimburse the basic cost of shipment, pick-up and delivery.

  17. These terms and conditions shall apply to, and inure to the benefit of the 'company' and its authorized agents and affiliated companies, and their offices, directors and employees.

  19. The 'Company' will not accept commercial goods (more than a dozen of any kind) and will not carry: Currency ,Fire Arms/Ammunitions, Explosives/Toy Guns, Precious Metals, Money Orders, Traveler's Checks, Precious Stones, Drugs, liquid items and Perishables. Negotiable instruments in bearer form Electrical Appliances, Lewd obscene or pornographic materials, Gambling Paraphernalia, industrial carbons or diamonds, Communication Equipment and computers, Combustible materials; Motor vehicle parts, Microwave Ovens property the carriage of which is prohibited by law, regulation or statue of any federal, state or local government of any country from to or through which the shipment may be carried.

  20. Any expenses incurred by the 'company' on behalf of shippers including ,but not limited to taxes, interests, penalties, fines surcharges duties etc. arising from non declaration or misdirection shall be reimbursed or refunded by shipper upon submission by the 'company' of proper proof or evidence for such expenses. In such event, the 'company' is entitled to hold, retain or impound the shipment as surety for payment until said refund or reimbursement is duly satisfied.

  21. Please be advised that an administration fee of $30.00 will be charged for insufficient funds or dishonoured cheque.

  22. We can store your items for up to 30 days without charge. After 30 days, you will be charged 200 php / box / per week for overstaying boxes at any of our warehouses.