Please note that our China warehouse will be closed from January 18 to February 10 for Chinese New Year. Thank you.


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General Shipping

You can check your box status at

We do not have a weight limit as we ship by ocean cargo, but for practical reasons the item should be able to be handled by 1 person to ensure that your item can be handled properly and safely. In addition, the weight of each box may be limited by the ability of the box to hold the heavy load.

Cut-off and shipping schedules change from time to time. All box/es must be closed and sealed at least by Friday to be included in the following week’s shipment.

Metro Manila (7-8 weeks)
Luzon (8-9 weeks)
Visayas (9-10 weeks)
Mindanao (9-10 weeks)

Yes, We usually take items out of the shipping box if we find it secure to do so before packing them in the balikbayan box. For fragile items like vinyl or plates, we keep them in the original shipping box to protect them from damage. We will exercise our best judgement and pack fragile items securely but please note that shipping delicate and fragile items are at your own risk.

For more information, please head over to our Rates page.

Yes! Creating an account will also allow you to track your packages and stay updated!

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We are available from 10AM-6PM, Monday to Friday only.