Please note that our China warehouse will be closed from January 18 to February 10 for Chinese New Year. Thank you.

How It Works

Ready, set, ship!


1. Create an account

Sign in or create a free PinoyBoxDelivery account. This is where you’ll receive updates and pay for your shipments.

2. Shop Online

Browse your favorite stores and use our warehouse address upon checkout. Make sure to list down all expected items in your PinoyBoxDelivery account

3. Get instant update

You’ll get instant updates in your email every time we receive one of your shipments from a store.

4. Ship your package

When it’s all packed up and ready to go, log in to your account to pay for your box and have it shipped to your PH address.

5. Receive your delivery

That’s it! Just sit back, relax, and wait for your box of goodies to arrive.

International shopping made easy, with instant quotes and flexible shipping options

Good things come in boxes

Cross-border delivery service straight to your doorstep.

Cost-effective solutions

Save up to 80% on international shipping fees, while getting support for door to door delivery and 3rd party domestic shippers

Blue Ribbon Service

Our customer service and efficient process are second to none. In fact, we’re so good at what we do that you’d think we’ve been doing this forever

Serious Quality Control

Your packages come first. That’s why we monitor every shipment, every step of the way so your goods get delivered to you as good as new.


From shoes to side tables, and everything in between. We’ll save you the trouble so all it takes is a few clicks. Check out our shipping rates from your country of choice.